Hero Stories for kia herobracelets

State unit hit in Fort Hood shootings begins deployment

The Wisconsin-based 467th Combat Stress Control Detachment, hit hard in the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, has begun its deployment to Afghanistan. More than 40 members of the unit, nearly a quarter of whose members were killed or injured in that attack, departed by plane Friday. Army officials said three new members of the unit, among nine added to replace those killed and injured in the attack, remain behind to train or keep track of the unit's equipment. The unit will spend a few we...


Brothers... With HeroBracelets

Almost two years ago, we were contacted by the production company that did the movie "Brothers." that's being released now. They had asked us to produce HeroBracelets for the movie. We did several dozen black memorial bracelets and several sterling silver HeroBracelets for Natalie Portman to wear in the movie. They had said they'd send back her silver bracelets for us to auction on ebay for the Fallen Heroes Fund, but we'll see! Never heard from them again so I suspect they are gone forever. ...


HeroBracelets for the 467th and 1908th at Fort Hood.

[caption id="attachment_2737" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Members of the 467th and 1908th meet before deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan"][/caption] Around two weeks ago we got an email from 1LT Lopez. He's with the 467th and 1908th Combat Stress Detachment, currently based at Fort Hood, Texas. You'll remember the recent shootings there that was in the news. A gunman killed a dozen soldiers, a civilian and wounded many more during a deployment ceremony. Well, 1LT Lopez's unit was hi...


Obama calls for another 30,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan

It is in America's vital national interests to send another 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, President Barack Obama said Tuesday night during a speech at West Point, N